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Becoming the Perfect Clown

Playing the clown is always a hit at any party or event. We have a great selection of clown hair wigs to help you step into character and get people laughing. Our wigs are made of the finest materials and use a head cap that will hold them in place without making you feel itchy or hot. One thing to consider is that depending on the type of clown you plan to be, you may want to try and convince your partner to go as your pair. What is a Raggedy Ann without an Andy? Choosing complementary costumes can make the evening more fun for both of you.

The Classic Clown

For many people, the classic clown is their ideal. These are the clowns they remember from the circuses and fairs in their youth. They could be the “bozo the clown” types with the big orange side puff clown hair wigs, or the tramp clowns of Vaudeville and the three ring circuses. Whichever type appeals to you, the part of your costume that will make it most easily recognizable will be the clown hair wigs you choose, not the big floppy shoes. While almost all clowns wear big shoes, only certain ones wear bright orange clown hair wigs and only one very specific clown has the flat, dark hair of the tramp. If you are having trouble deciding which fits you better, look through our entire selection of clown hair wigs for inspiration.

The Character Clown

We carry a full selection of the most popular and recognizable character clown wigs. Whether you want to be something fun like Raggedy Ann or Andy, Ronald McDonald or take on the persona of some of the darker clowns, like Krusty, or dare the darkest of all – Pennywise, we have the clown hair wigs that will make you perfectly believable. We even carry the wig for the Joker, from the Batman movies. The key to being a successful character clown is to either choose one that is very similar to who you are in real life, or choose one that is dramatically different. You don’t want a middle of the road clown. Our wigs will help you to step into character and forget yourself, whether for fun and games or to create a little mayhem. Due to the high quality of the synthetic hair and color fast dyes used to make our clown hair wigs, they will be able to stand up to whatever you do in the evening.

Finishing Touches

The secret to making a great clown is to make sure that you have a clown “shtick” already worked out. If you went with a big or long style in clown hair wigs, think about what small things you could hide in the wig that can add to the fun. Hand buzzers, balloons and horns are also some of the other accessories you should consider. If you are recreating a character clown, review what it is they are known for and find a way to do it as well.

Clown Wigs

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